In spite of the billions of dollars spent on candy, cards, flowers and more elaborate Valentine’s gifts, most guys can’t seem to solve the conundrum of what women really want from sex. It’s not for lack of trying. Men are very trying. Just ask any woman!

As a public service during this annual celebration of everything lovey-dovey – Valentine’s Day – the hormone replacement therapy experts at BioTE® Medical offer some answers to the questions which have plauged men about women since Eve feigned that first “I’m just not that interested” headache and called it a night. To state the obvious: men and women are different in their concepts of what makes for a satisfying physical relationship. In order to ameliorate this conflict, sensitivity combined with medical science should be employed.

Conflict Between Couple

As the hilarious one-man play “Defending the Caveman” points out, most men are highly-focused, goal-oriented individuals. They don’t just “go shopping.” They hunt down a shirt at a specific store and drag it back to the house. This tendency continues with their sexual relations. For most men, the physical act of intercourse is the goal and it must be met as quickly and efficiently as possible!

In contrast, most women love the process of living life, including sexual relations. For many women, the intimacy surrounding sex is as important as the act itself. Flirting, sensuous surroundings and uninhibited affection are all part and parcel to a satisfying sexual relationship.

There is, however, some good news in this difference of opinion. When hormones are balanced, the needs of both men and women can be met…in spectacular fashion. For some great examples of this, click here to read the BioTE® Medical Sex Survey conducted among patients who have opted for this simple procedure.

Women are More Likely to Experience Low Libido

Dr. Stefanie McCain, an OBGYN and trained BioTE® Medical practitioner who has offices in both Abilene and Midland, Texas notes that low libido, or a lack of sex-drive, is found among both genders. However, women experience this condition more often than men.

“Testosterone, the hormone which is usually associated with men, is a critical component for a woman’s interest in sex,” she notes. “As a woman ages, her level of testosterone decreases and this results in her experiencing a state of low libido.”

“Most of my female patients report that sex is viewed as something that is enjoyable but a low priority on the “to-do” list” noted Stacy Hammond, a nurse practitioner trained in BioTE ® Medical hormone replacement therapy in the McCain offices. “Their lives are occupied with meeting the needs of their children, friends and co-workers. Enhanced libido resulting from balanced hormones changes all of that.”

“Her priorities change,” added Dr. McCain. “She feels better about herself. She’s not distracted by the mundane daily hassles and she’s very interested in sex again.”

“The natural ingredients and pellets of the BioTE® hormone replacement therapy also make a big difference,” Dr. McCain said. “One’s body recognizes these natural ingredients quicker than synthetic drugs and the pellets ensure a consistent transmission of these hormones. This is far superior to the older, topical applications that were used in the past,” she said.

“I wondered what was wrong with me because I had no energy or desire for sex,” noted Kim who is 50 years old and one of Dr. McCain’s patients. “After I got the pellets, my life changed 100 percent. It’s amazing. All of a sudden, I’m wearing my husband out!”

Michelle, 46 years old and another hormone replacement patient had a similar experience.

“This renewed our marriage,” she said. “If you connect on a sexual level, you connect on all other levels! Here’s a true story. After I had been on the pellets for about a month, my 12-year old daughter came up to me and said, ‘why are you and daddy flirting with each other so much?’”

The movie Fifty Shades of Grey opens to a wide audience and pre-sales of tickets suggest the theaters will be packed with couples eager to see Christian Grey work his magic.

It’s no accident that the producers of this movie, based on an erotic novel of the same name, chose to open it on Valentine’s Day. They hope to take advantage of the amorous nature of the holiday and sell lots of tickets to men and women whose libidos might need some visual stimulation. While this may be good business, for many loving couples, it also seems more than a little contrived.

Stacy Hammond has a better suggestion.

“Getting the BioTE® pellets is the perfect Valentines’ gift,” she said. “It will be enjoyed long after the candy is gone!”


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