All those pink ribbons, t-shirts, tennis shoes people wear during the month of October is in celebration of BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!
No one ever wants to be diagnosed with breast cancer. And it certainly worries people… But is all that “worry” really worth the hype?

What is your “real” risk of breast cancer?
Did you know that if you have NO family history of breast cancer, there is still a 12% risk you could develop breast cancer during your lifetime? TRUE STORY!!
The best way to screen for breast cancer is to have your annual Well Woman Exam every single year! Yes, ladies…..we still have to come in yearly for an exam of your breasts and pelvic organs. For the average boring female, it is recommended that we have a YEARLY MAMMOGRAM starting at age 40. This is a simple, safe x-ray type procedure that detects early changes that could lead to breast cancer. There is NO ALTERNATIVE to mammography; it is the “GOLD STANDARD” for breast cancer screening. AND IT’S SAFE! NO MORE RADIATION THAN YOU GET FROM FLYING ON AN AIRPLANE!!

If you have a family history of breast cancer on EITHER SIDE of you family you may be at a higher than average risk and may need additional or early screening.
Healthy lifestyle and diet can decrease your risk!
Doing a monthly SELF BREAST EXAM is a great way to monitor yourself! It’s free and easy!!
Talk to your Nurse Practitioner or Physician if you have any further concerns or questions


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