As we age and our body parts start to “head south”, the first thing that some of us ladies notice is the aggravating, and often times embarrassing, loss of urine.  We come by it honestly, if not a little genetically.  Aging, weight gain, drinking more than our fair share of caffeine and alcohol, and trying to hold it until we finish that last project all contribute to this problem.  Childbearing, while a blessing, certainly leaves a lasting impression on the muscles of our pelvis.

We work out to keep our bodies supple and defined.  We spend countless hours at the gym sweating, lifting, spinning and working every muscle group except the one that controls the inlet and outlet functions for our body: urination, defecation and SEX.  All good things come from a healthy, strong pelvic floor.

So, we must spend some time at the “PELVIC FLOOR GYM”.  For three brief breaks a day, mere minutes out of our busy schedules, we can strengthen our pelvic floor and have a little “me” time with very little effort.  Doing an effective KEGEL (ladies, you have heard of these) requires focus and isolation of the correct muscles.  As we sit motionless in our minivan, we can work out and watch the stoplight.

It is quite simple.

Step one:  pretend like you are trying to keep from passing gas.  Squeeze that muscle.  Feel your whole pelvic floor contract.  Hold this for 5 seconds.
Step two:  RELAX for 5 seconds.  Ahhh.
Step three:  repeat steps one and two 5 times.

Try to work this in three times a day.

This technique can be employed whenever you feel a sneeze (cough, lifting or laughing included).  Just STOP, SQUEEZE (that muscle), and SNEEZE.  NO LEAKS!


If only our other workouts were this easy……..

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