November is Bladder Health Awareness Month, so we want to take this opportunity to share some information about the bladder and treatments for an overactive bladder.

The bladder is a hollow organ located in the lower abdomen that stores urine before it exits the body. Normal bladder capacity is about 400-600 ml. Each day, adults pass about a quart and a half of urine through the bladder and out of the body.

There are conditions that can affect the bladder – pregnancy and childbirth, trauma, pelvic organ prolapse, menopause, infections, inflammation, and cancer. Sometimes these conditions can cause an overactive bladder. This condition affects more people than you might think and it’s increasingly common among women. The important thing to remember is you’re not alone. There are millions of women out there just like you who experience some form of bladder leakage. But you don’t have to be one of them. 

In some cases, simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference in keeping your bladder healthy. These are some things that you can do:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, mostly water, 6 to 8 glassed daily is recommended for most people
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol
  • Quit smoking – smoking increases the risk of bladder cancer
  • Avoid constipation – activity and a diet with plenty of high fiber foods help prevent constipation
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Perform pelvic floor exercises – Kegel exercises can help prevent pelvic floor weakening 
  • Use the restroom often and when needed – usually every 3-4 hours
  • Allow time for your bladder to completely empty when urinating
  • Wipe from front to back after using the restroom
  • Urinate after sex
  • Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothing

Keeping your bladder healthy and happy can prevent problems in the future! 

If you struggle with any bladder issues such as urgency or frequency incontinence, we offer several state-of-the-art treatment options:

BTL Emsella – Emsella is intended to provide entirely non-invasive electromagnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor musculature to rehabilitate weak pelvic muscles and restore neuromuscular control. One 28 minute treatment is the equivalent of 11,200 Kegel exercises. Six treatments are performed twice weekly for 6 weeks. Maintenance treatments are recommended at least yearly. Patients stay fully clothed during the treatment and there is no pain with the treatment. 95% of patients report a significant improvement in the quality of life.

Votiva | FormaV – Votiva uses radiofrequency energy to generate heat to the vaginal/vulvar tissues. This stimulates collagen production which can improve vaginal laxity and improve urinary stress incontinence. The treatment is performed internally and externally. The external treatment can tighten tissue and enhance sensation, as well.

O-Shot – The O-Shot uses a patient’s own blood product, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that is injected into the anterior wall of the vagina and into the clitoris. PRP is rich with growth factors that can enhance the function of certain tissues. It is believed that PRP acts as a bulking agent around the urethra and can improve mild stress incontinence.

Pelvic Floor Rehab – This treatment uses biofeedback to teach patients to correctly perform pelvic floor exercises which increases the tone of the pelvic floor and improves both stress and urge incontinence.

Morpheus8V Morpheus8V offers vaginal rejuvenation without the need for surgery or medication by utilizing both radiofrequency energy and microneedling to tighten, enhance and rejuvenate the vaginal skin. The tightening action of Morpheus8V strengthens the anterior vaginal wall, which in turn lifts the bladder and urethra. This results in dramatic improvement in urinary incontinence.

If you suffer from an overactive bladder, we can help you get your life back. Please call us at (512) 301-6767 or request an appointment.

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